11. Be Direct With Respect

So often we don’t want to say something or give feedback out of fear that we’ll hurt others’ feelings. In reality, we can be disrespectful by not giving feedback, or letting someone walk around blindly not knowing if they are successful or missing the mark. Think about it, we want others to give us feedback and tell us if are doing a great job or veering off the track. Others want the same, actually demand the same, from us.

Doing it with respect improves our ability to offer feedback and improves others’ willingness to receive feedback. Without respect, your audience will likely shut down. Heck, we have put people in therapy by thinking we were just telling the truth but not considering the other person. Being respectful requires us to drop our assumptions and judgments and care enough for the other person to want to help them on their path to success.

How can I provide this feedback in the most respectful way?