45. Get in Touch with Your Feelings

That phrase may sound a little too “new age-y” for the business world—like we need to burn some incense and do some chanting—but there is sound reason­ing behind this concept. Daniel Kahneman proved quantifiably that we make decisions first emotionally. Emotions are far more motivating than logic. Yet when we make decisions, we rely solely on our logic.

For the analytics in the room, don’t worry, we don’t have to get on the couch and reveal our deepest secrets. Instead, think of emotion as another data point motivating our decisions. Asking what and how someone feels can drive action and create deeper accountability. Uncovering feelings can light the fuse of moti­vation and engagement. Ignoring emotions can leave them festering under the surface until they undermine our goals.

What do you feel? How do you feel?