58. Influence—A Leader’s Secret Sauce

The secret sauce of great leaders is his/her ability to influence others. As organ­izations have become flatter, more matrixed, virtual, global, and faster-paced, the demand to influence others is only growing. And these demands rest firmly on the shoulders of every person in an organization regardless of title, authority, or tenure.

We may think of influence as the inspiring speeches we’ve heard from historical leaders. But there is much that precedes any speech. The process we follow when influencing others is the same whether it’s delivering an inspiring speech on the nation’s capitol steps or trying to promote an idea. Influence starts by spending time listening to others to understand them, plugging into their needs, hearing how they speak, etc. Second, synchronize with others. This means being aware of style, tone, pace, and body language. Lastly, influence requires us to speak in the same language as the other person. To do that, recognize and then use the same language the other person uses. For example, do they speak in terms of relation­ships, a vision or aspiration, a position, status, or something else? When you know the “language,” you can then speak in the language of others.

Who do I need to influence and what can I do to improve my “influence-ability”?