59. Service to Others

The highest-order function that we provide as leaders, heck as human beings, is to be in service to others. I’m not talking about getting people coffee, however, that might be the greatest thing you can do for someone at a given moment. Being in service requires us to be mindful of what others want, their goals, where they want to go, and then finding ways to help them toward those aspirations.

Being in service to others is a force multiplier. Not just because others see this embodied in who we are, but because it feels awesome. When I pay for some­one’s coffee at the drive-thru or anonymously pick up someone’s tab at a restaurant, I feel energized and become more open to serving others.

I have that built into my mission: “To be in service to leaders who aspire to grow.” What’s your mission to serve?

How does my leadership serve others?