90. Work S.M.A.R.T.E.R.©

SMART is an acronym for how to define better goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). But I’ve found that even well-written SMART goals can be discarded and abandoned faster than a politician’s cam­paign promise. WHY? Because SMART goals are missing two things.

First, they lack purpose. I can set the best goal in the world, but what if I don’t care? Without purpose and meaning, goals don’t drive my actions. The “E” in SMARTER© goals refers to Energizing. If there is something that lights my fire, then I am more likely to pursue that goal.

The other problem is the “A” in SMART, which stands for “Achievable.” There can be two challenges with setting a goal; it’s so low I can achieve it with­out much effort, or so high I give up. The “R” in SMARTER© stands for Reaching. Identify a goal that’s achievable, but also include something that chal­lenges me beyond the goal I have set.

How can I add purpose and meaning to my goals as well as find ways to stretch myself?