95. Questions Ring like a Bell

Sometimes we need to ask a question, not to get an answer, but to let it rever­berate in the other person’s mind. So don’t fret if you ask a question and don’t get a reply. I promise you, that person will be thinking about that question long after you’ve asked it.

I use the analogy of a bell; when you ring it, it continues to resound long after it has been struck. I have a friend who asked me an incredibly challenging ques­tion more than ten years ago and it still rings in my head to this day. Questions resonate in the mind and stimulate thinking. For example, if I ask you how to get to your house, your mind starts working through all the steps to get there.

Don’t worry about the answers, think about the questions you are asking.

What question can I ask that someone will continue to think about long after it’s asked?